Tuesday, February 06, 2007


In Brazil there are over 150 different types of passion fruit, 60 of them being eatable and the rest are used within different medical researches.
Passion fruit contains a lot of carbohydrates, vitamin A,B,C, calcium and important minerals and iron.
A juice made of passion fruit is calming and anti inflammatory. Tea made from the passion fruit leaves can have healing effects on infections.

The fruits name comes from the beautiful flower Passaflora or Flor da Paixáo. The most commonly imported passion fruit in Europe is the Violet passion fruit, whereas here in Brazil we eat the yellow one. The yellow passion fruit is much bigger and not as sweet as the smaller ones.

Cocada de Maracujá

240ml water
600ml sugar
320ml passion fruit juice
2 egg yolks
3 whole cloves
650-700 g grated coco

Add sugar, juice and water to a pan, put it to the boil and let simmer for about 15 minutes.
Mix egg yolks, cloves and coco and add to pan, let simmer for another 10minutes.
Stirr well.
Let it cool and pour into a suitable container and cut into squares.


Judy said...

Thanks for the explanation of maracuja= passion fruit. Maracuja was my favorite fruit when I lived in Brazil, but the passion fruit I would find here in the States wasn't the same. Now I know why!!! :-)

CookingDiva - Chef Melissa said...

wow, I have never tried this combination, but it sures sounds delicious! A hug from Panama :)