Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hey Linda aren´t you cooking?

Of course I am!
It feels as if I am eating more than ever, I just haven´t had the time to write about it.
I have a yummy cupcake recipe coming up as well as a recipe for Pão de queijo, cheese bread.

Seriously I have sooooo many recipes that I want to share with you, I just need to write them down...

Well who ever waits for something good can wait a bit longer... OK I know that is freely translated from Swedish " Den som väntar på något gott". :)


Anonymous said...

I look forward to your Pao de queijo recipe. Love the site.

Kim said...

Bring on the pao de queijo recipe! I just have to find a place here in the states to buy povilho doce. Maybe in Los Angeles somewhere.